
Showing posts from July, 2018

Wong #1: Stages of teaching

On our field study class last Wednesday June 27, 2018, we watched a video discussed by Mr. Harry Wong about teaching. Mr. Wong talked about the things that a teacher must grasp in order to be an effective teacher. The role of a teacher is to let students learn and develop their own abilities by guiding them throughout the process. However, teaching is not just all fun. Teachers also encounter hardships besides teaching their learners especially on their early years of teaching. In the said video, he discussed stages of teaching that a teacher experience on their journey on becoming one of the acknowledged teachers in the future.  (REALITY) The first stage was "fantasy".  In this stage, teachers are very idealistic about teaching, they'll imagine students who are really cooperative and eager to learn, lessons going smooth as what he/she planned and a lot of good things they can imagine happening in a classroom. Though these things might happen in reality, te