Educational Philosophy (An essentialist)

"Books are reliable"-Mrs. Dizon

Last Thursday (August 16, 2018) on my field study observation, I got the chance to interview my cooperating teacher Mrs. Dizon

Mrs. Dizon is a grade 7 teacher at RLLMHS, where I'm currently observing. She was a grade 10 teacher in the past, but due to a task that was given to her (reading remediation on grade 7 students), she was then transferred to teach in grade 7. Upon observing her, she was really calm when she teaches. Her voice is somewhat soft but still reaches up to the back part of the classroom, which I find interesting because on my observation her voice is really soft.

She believes that being able to know the basic skills is very essential in learning. She said that she often use books in delivering her lessons as she finds books reliable. As a seasoned teacher, she stated that students in earlier times are more polite and concentrated in studying whereas students now are distracted from a lot of things such as having social media, having vices and having relationships. With that, she said that its harder to teach students and keep their attention as well. She knows that using new techniques in teaching might help, she said is comfortable in using the old methods in teaching.

With my observation and interview, I can conclude that Mrs. Dizon is an essentialist.


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