My Orientation for Field Study 6

For my last field study observation, I was deployed to observe in Rafael L. Lazatin Memorial High School (RLLMHS) last Thursday, August  02, 2018. We were supposed to attend first the general orientation at Gabaldon building before our deployment in our assigned schools but unfortunately it was postponed. Luckily, we are given an orientation in RLLMHS by Mrs. Cazarina David, the head of the school. 

On the day of our deployment, the school head first orient us about rules that we should follow when we observe in their school. As future educators, she said that we should be punctual at all times. We should come earlier than our cooperating teacher or  same time of their arrival. She later on added that we should maintain professionalism when communicating and interacting with our cooperating teachers same goes with the students. She also talked about the attire to wear when observing classes. Wearing of proper and complete uniform (Uniform with necktie and ID) is advised, however on Wednesdays since the head knows about Wednesday Washday policy in Holy Angel University (HAU), she said that if we happen to observe in that day, we can wear civilian attire, given that the clothes are not too revealing or inappropriate in a school setting. We are also advised that wearing of cosmetics or makeup should be minimal in girls, wearing of earings is not allowed in boys. Lastly, she was informed that observers can help in checking the papers, helping in making of bulletin boards, or in short, assisting the cooperating teacher about school activities, however, teaching is not allowed so the school head said that she will inform the teachers beforehand. On the other hand, if we are asked to teach on the spot, it's up to us if well comply or not. Nonetheless, we are advised to take the challenge positively and still consider it as a training for us for our future profession.

After the short orientation, she then introduced the head teachers in each subject areas. I was a bit familiar with some of the teachers introduced for RLLMHS was my alma mater in high school, so some of them were my teachers in different subject areas back then. As a result, I feel happy and comfortable observing in this school in all of may field study subject, however the fact that I haven't been to other schools to observe makes me feel a bit uneasy because it means that I did not get the chance to  explore other schools besides RLLMHS. 

Then after that she advised us to talk to them regarding our schedules and teachers that will be our cooperating teachers in our observation. We were given our assigned cooperating teachers but I haven't had the opportunity to meet mine yet. I'll meet her next week to clarify schedules for my observation. Well, I hope my last 20 hours of observation in RLLMHS will be smooth sailing like my other observations in the past. 

That ends my blog for today, Hope you're having a good day my reader :) LAUS DEO SEMPER! 


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