A 21st Century teacher is..

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For this blog, I'll talk about my views and if my cooperating teacher possess traits of a 21st century teacher.

Change is the only thing that is permanent in this world. With that I would say that the students in world is constantly changing and as teachers we too should adapt to change. We are now in the computer age wherein we tend to enjoy luxuries of communicating people through screen, using social media such as facebook, twitter, etc. as a platform

A 21st century teacher should know how to handle students who are more advanced in technology knowledge. For me, as 21st century teacher, one must learn how to adapt new knowledge in using technology. In this way, they can incorporate the use of multimedia in teaching and the new curriculum to be used. 

Learning more about teaching strategies using multimedia is a challenge. Being an educator of the 21st century learner like a though task but they should be open to learn and to always take this on the positive side. 

One must also be a visionary and a collaborator, for them to imbibe creative, imaginative and interactive way of learning in class. A teacher that promotes collaboration in learning lets the students freely share their ideas and insights. 

One must also be a risk taker and a communicator. An educator that is ready to take challenges in the future as well as a communicator that deliver lessons efficiently. 

Of course they too should be a learner and a model, one who continuously seek learning for change and learn to model learning and good characteristics. 

They should also be globally aware, to be able to  promote equality of learning in the class. 

Last but not the least, one must be a leader, that knows how to knowledgeable enough to handle situation and adapt to new world of learning.

Teacher of 21st century should make a difference, and be ready to face challenges that may arise.

For all the traits I have mentioned, I believe that my cooperating teacher possess them. On the other hand, as a seasoned faculty member I think she needs to incorporate the use of technology in order for her class to be more collaborative and appropriate for the learners. 


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