A woman of Character, Moral, and Discipline

picture via clipartpanda.com

On this blog, I would like to describe my cooperating teacher, Mrs. Anna Liza Dizon and the values and morals she bestow.

For some general information, let me start with this. She's a grade 7 teacher at Rafael L. Lazatin Memorial High School (RLLMHS). She was a grade 10 teacher in the past but due to a task that was given to her, she was then transferred to grade 7.

At first glance, you can observe that she is a woman embellishing modesty, calmness and kindness. Yes. she's like that. But I was astonished to discover that she's more than that. As I started to observe her classes, I found out the other sides that she's hiding beneath that apparent serenity.

She's a mother, an inspiration, a motivation, and an educator. Observing her delicate movements, you can say that she's not the type to make sudden decisions. She likes to always remind her students to be respectful towards each other. Be kind, honest and quiet are the things she always convey in her actions. She does not always scold or make hurtful remarks on her students, but her mere presence makes the students behave accordingly. She's really has that calm exterior but I think she has that strong heart to handle students. She also has that 'mom' vibe when she teaches that her students imbibe. Foe me, she's the perfect role model towards her students.


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