
Teaching as an Art

photo via Art is a way of expression. We usually see its representation in a visual form such as painting or sculpture. Such works are appreciated for their beauty or emotional power to captivate us.  As I am taking up this course, I can say that teaching is also an art. Most of us know that art requires process to be able to produce  such masterpiece. This is also the same with teaching for me. In order to be a masterpiece, (effective) you should experience process to hone your abilities as an individual.  My cooperating teacher can be a good example of this scenario. She experienced various things in order to be an effective and seasoned faculty member in her school. With this, she's able to express beauty, emotional power and also touch lives of her students.  I will also be an educator in the near future and I want to teach in the way that I can express my finesse in my profession. I want to captivate and touch the lives of my students.  

A 21st Century teacher is..

Photo via For this blog, I'll talk about my views and if my cooperating teacher possess traits of a 21st century teacher. Change is the only thing that is permanent in this world. With that I would say that the students in world is constantly changing and as teachers we too should adapt to change. We are now in the computer age wherein we tend to enjoy luxuries of communicating people through screen, using social media such as facebook, twitter, etc.  as a platform A 21st century teacher should know how to handle students who are more advanced in technology knowledge.  For me, as 21st century teacher, one must learn how to adapt new knowledge in using technology. In this way, they can incorporate the use of multimedia in teaching and the new curriculum to be used.  Learning more about teaching strategies using multimedia is a challenge. Being an educator of the 21st century learner like a though task but they should be open to learn and to always take this

A woman of Character, Moral, and Discipline

picture via On this blog, I would like to describe my cooperating teacher, Mrs. Anna Liza Dizon and the values and morals she bestow. For some general information, let me start with this. She's a grade 7 teacher at Rafael L. Lazatin Memorial High School (RLLMHS). She was a grade 10 teacher in the past but due to a task that was given to her, she was then transferred to grade 7. At first glance, you can observe that she is a woman embellishing modesty, calmness and kindness. Yes. she's like that. But I was astonished to discover that she's more than that. As I started to observe her classes, I found out the other sides that she's hiding beneath that apparent serenity. She's a mother, an inspiration, a motivation, and an educator. Observing her delicate movements, you can say that she's not the type to make sudden decisions. She likes to always remind her students to be respectful towards each other. Be kind, honest and quiet are the th

Educational System: (Rafael L. Lazatin Memorial High School)

RLLMHS's official logo with its official slogan For my blog today, I'll be talking about the educational system of Rafael L. Lazatin Memorial High School (RLLMHS). For a short background, RLLMHSformerly known as Balibago High School is located at  at Pabalan st., Don Pepe Subd, Balibago, Angeles City, Pampanga. It is the school   where I studied secondary education, my alma mater and the school where I'm currently observing.  Now, lets move on to its educational system. The school follows the k-12 curriculum as mandated by DepEd but only offers education to junior high school (JHS) and senior high school (SHS) students.  Kapampangan, Filipino, and English are oftentimes used as the teacher's medium of instruction in the school.   Because of the school's lack of classroom facility, the school build an extension at Quezon New Valley St. in Brgy. Balibago, where grade 10 students and SHS students go. The School also has shifting schedules. In the main buildi

Elements of Teaching

The teacher, the materials, the learning environment, the students, and their behavior are considered the essential elements that should be seen inside the classroom. Those said elements forms a harmony in a school and teaching. As expected, all should be seen in the classroom. With all the elements mentioned being seen in the classroom would make teaching and learning easier for the teachers as well as the students. Without the other, some things may not become as efficient as per with the one that has it all. But of course, there's always an exception. Not everything are meant to be perfect, wanna know why? Because nothing is perfect. You might label something or someone as perfect, but somehow they do have their own flaws or imperfections.  Same with the elements given above, not all can be present in the classroom. With such claim, I observed the class of Mrs. Dizon to know if what I'm claiming is right. Upon my observation, elements such as the teacher (Mrs. Dizon), the

Wong # 3: Discipline

"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment." -Jim Robin  Just what like Jim Robin said, discipline is the key in order to accomplish and meet your goals in life as well as in the classroom. Without it, dealing with students will be really tiresome and stressful. Though at times disciplining students may cause misunderstandings. Just like how the color black and white contradict each other, people also have opposing opinions about discipline. In the video, Harry Wong talked about how discipline can help manage the class. For example, with the passing of requirements, you should discipline your students by teaching them to pass on time. Sometimes extensions should not be permitted Having discipline means you can have procedures in what you do in the classroom. With this, intended goals of the teacher can now be attained faster.  Teachers must know how to discipline their students to assess their behavior and come up with a solution that bot

Wong #2: First Day of School (The Most Important Day of the School Year)

The first days of the school serves as a constant reminder for teachers that they are again starting a new school year. New year, new faces, new experiences. Also, first days are the most essential for them because on this day, they'll be implementing set of rules that the students should follow that will last throughout the school year. Leaving an impression on the students on what will happen for the upcoming days of the school year. In the second part of Mr. Harry Wong's video about teaching, he highlighted the importance of classroom management and how it should be applied on the beginning of the school year. He also mentioned that the teacher's role in enforcing classroom management is significant in the success of classroom management in class. He said that on the first day of the school year, teachers must be certain on the things that they want their students to do and follow. Implementing classroom management in class for me the most cr

Educational Philosophy (An essentialist)

"Books are reliable"-Mrs. Dizon Last Thursday (August 16, 2018) on my field study observation, I got the chance to interview my cooperating teacher Mrs. Dizon Mrs. Dizon is a grade 7 teacher at RLLMHS, where I'm currently observing. She was a grade 10 teacher in the past, but due to a task that was given to her (reading remediation on grade 7 students), she was then transferred to teach in grade 7. Upon observing her, she was really calm when she teaches. Her voice is somewhat soft but still reaches up to the back part of the classroom, which I find interesting because on my observation her voice is really soft. She believes that being able to know the basic skills is very essential in learning. She said that she often use books in delivering her lessons as she finds books reliable. As a seasoned teacher, she stated that students in earlier times are more polite and concentrated in studying whereas students now are distracted from a lot of things such as havin

My Orientation for Field Study 6

For my last field study observation, I was deployed to observe in Rafael L. Lazatin Memorial High School (RLLMHS) last Thursday, August  02, 2018. We were supposed to attend first the general orientation at Gabaldon building before our deployment in our assigned schools but unfortunately it was postponed. Luckily, we are given an orientation in RLLMHS by Mrs. Cazarina David, the head of the school.  On the day of our deployment, the school head first orient us about rules that we should follow when we observe in their school. As future educators, she said that we should be punctual at all times. We should come earlier than our cooperating teacher or  same time of their arrival. She later on added that we should maintain professionalism when communicating and interacting with our cooperating teachers same goes with the students . She also talked about the attire to wear when observing classes. Wearing of proper and complete uniform (Uniform with necktie and ID) is advised , ho

Wong #1: Stages of teaching

On our field study class last Wednesday June 27, 2018, we watched a video discussed by Mr. Harry Wong about teaching. Mr. Wong talked about the things that a teacher must grasp in order to be an effective teacher. The role of a teacher is to let students learn and develop their own abilities by guiding them throughout the process. However, teaching is not just all fun. Teachers also encounter hardships besides teaching their learners especially on their early years of teaching. In the said video, he discussed stages of teaching that a teacher experience on their journey on becoming one of the acknowledged teachers in the future.  (REALITY) The first stage was "fantasy".  In this stage, teachers are very idealistic about teaching, they'll imagine students who are really cooperative and eager to learn, lessons going smooth as what he/she planned and a lot of good things they can imagine happening in a classroom. Though these things might happen in reality, te


about the blogger:  Joanna Marie Sasi Dyguazo       Annyeong chinggudeul!! or should I say, Hello readers! I'm Joanna Marie Dyguazo, also known as Joanna or  "jo" by my family and friends. I'm a 4th yr education student studying at Holy Angel University (HAU). I live in  Pampanga together with my mother,  older brother and younger sister.    During my spare time, I like to read, listen to music (specially kpop-korean pop music), watch kdramas (korean dramas) as well as horror, thriller and sci-fi (science-fiction) types of films. Becoming a teacher is  my least chosen, initially I'll have little interest on the course. But as   cliché  as it is, I had learned to love my chosen profession little by little as time passes by.  "The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book."  In order to be effective on the field that you wish to pursue, I believe that you must study and observe how other people in that field do it. You must also